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UCARTHERM Heat Transfer Fluid is a biodegradable ethylene glycol based fluid that provide outstanding freeze and burst protection from -60 °F to 275 °F.

UCARTHERM Heat Transfer Fluids are biodegradable ethylene glycol based fluids that provide outstanding freeze and burst protection. Formulated with an extensive and synergistic inhibitor package, they also provide corrosion protection – meeting or surpassing all ASTM requirements for glycol-based engine coolants. UCARTHERM HTFs are shipped in concentrated form.

Ucartherm HTFs include Dow iron inhibitor – Used to boost phosphate inhibitor levels for the protection of ferrous metals.

Ucartherm HTFs include Dow copper inhibitor – Boost tolyltriazole levels for the protection of soft metals including copper and brass.

Ucartherm HTFs include Dow pH booster – Used to increase the pH of acidic fluids that may result in corrosion and metal loss.

More Information
Applications Asphalt Processing, Boiler, Calendar Roll, Chill Water Loop, Chiller, Fractionation, Furnace Preheat, HVAC, Heat Exchanger, Hydronic Cooling, Hydronic Heating, Jacketed Vessel, Natural Gas Processing, PET Resin, Plumbing, Process Cooling, Process Heating, Radiant Heating, Reboiler, Secondary Chill Loop, Snow Melt, Test Chamber, Waste Heat Recovery
Temperature -200 °F to −100 °F, -100 °F to 0 °F, 0 °F to 100 °F, 100 °F to 200 °F, 200 °F to 300 °F

Applications for Ucartherm may include: Oil and gas industries, Natural gas compressor station coolants, Natural gas well-head and pipeline heaters, Liquid-cooled cogeneration and industrial engines, Drilling equipment, Heat tracing systems, Crude oil/battery heaters, LNG vaporizers, Generators and engines, Standby generators and engines, Marine engines, High-speed stationary engines, Air compressor engines

Feature: Optimum Corrosion Protection
Benefit: UCARTHERM products have been specially formulated with corrosion inhibitors to provide corrosion protection and to buffer the fluid, which helps to prevent glycol degradation and promote long-lasting fluids
Feature: Ucartherm is biodegradable
Benefit: UCARTHERM HTFs are biodegradable in tests simulating river conditions. And in wastewater treatment plants, where concentrations of microorganisms are far higher, biodegradation can take place in a matter of hours. This results in lower environmental impact.
Feature: Meets legacy equipment heating and cooling specs
Benefit: Whether a TV transmission tower or a stationary engine, Ucartherm is one of the few remaining products that meets spec and is mentioned by name for legacy process heating and cooling applications

Specific heat at 50% fluid concentration at 50 °F: 0.800 Btu/lb°F

Specific heat at 25% fluid concentration at 50 °F: 0.914 Btu/lb°F

Thermal Conductivity at at 50% fluid concentration at 50 °F: 0.221 Btu/hr ft°F

Thermal Conductivity at at 25% fluid concentration at 50 °F: 0.272 Btu/hr ft°F

Freeze protection at 50% fluid concentration: -36 °F

Freeze protection at 25% fluid concentration: 10 °F

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