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Dowtherm G heat transfer fluid is an efficient, medium-range fluid that has a recommended use temperature of 20 °F to 680 °F.

DOWTHERM G is a stable, low pressure liquid-phase heat transfer fluid. This fluid offers the benefits of low vapor pressure with high thermal stability, as well as pumpability at moderately low temperatures. DOWTHERM G is a mixture of di- and tri-aryl compounds. Dowtherm G heat transfer fluid provides superior performance in liquid phase heat transfer systems. Dowtherm G has a recommended operating temperature between 20 °F and 675 °F.

DOWTHERM G heat transfer fluid is a highly stable, low pressure fluid. These characteristics can minimize problems that may result from accidental overheating caused by inadequate circulation, flame impingement, or improper heater firing.

Start-up and shutdown problems are minimized by Dowtherm G heat transfer fluid’s exceptional flow characteristics at low temperatures. DOWTHERM G has high flash, fire and autoignition points. Dowtherm G presents no fire hazard at ambient temperatures.

This product is to be used in a closed, pressurized system with an expansion tank and nitrogen blanket.


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Applications Boiler, Calendar Roll, Cogeneration, Extruder, Fractionation, Furnace Preheat, Heat Exchanger, Jacketed Vessel, Natural Gas Processing, Nylon, PET Film, Process Heating, Polymer Blending, Reboiler, Sulfur Recovery, Test Chamber, ULSD, Vaporizer, Waste Heat Recovery
Temperature 0 °F to 100 °F, 100 °F to 200 °F, 200 °F to 300 °F, 300 °F to 400 °F, 400 °F to 500 °F, 500 °F to 600 °F, 600 °F to 700 °F, 700 °F to 800 °F

Dowtherm G is often utilized in processes to include: Polystyrene, Polycarbonate, Heat recovery, Offshore platforms, Refineries

Feature: Lower pressure than some other heat transfer fluids
Benefit: Improved safety, cost savings on materials of construction

Feature: High thermal stability
Benefit: Longer fluid life at extreme temperatures

Feature: High flash, fire and autoignition points
Benefit: Reduced fire hazard, improved safety

Feature: Excellent flow characteristics at low temperatures
Benefit: Reduced start-up and shutdown problems

Crystal Point: < 40°F
Flash Point, Closed Cup: 552 °F
Autoignition Temperature: 810 °F
Density at 75°F: 8.71 lb/gl

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